I love my Holga camera, as you've probably heard me say before.. You just never know what the outcome will be until you lift the flap from the picture holder envelope... I must say this is definitely my favorite roll yet... Shot in Fresno, California over Memorial Day Weekend, there was so much on the drive up I wanted to shoot, but those highways can be so dangerous with everyone going 90 miles per hour... The hills off the 5 North were so beautiful it almost looked like a cartoon.. maybe next time I'll be brave enough to do a quick photo sesh off the side of the road for that deserty gritty look.. Until then, these were the shots I captured.. I saw the Cadillac across the street and was dying to use it for some shots but worried the owner would be upset, turns out the owner was at the same BBQ I was at! BONUS!! I ran and got my camera and starting shooting away!!
I usually keep it as true as possible by shooting with the setting at 12 photos per roll.. I have a flash on my camera and typically use it even when outdoors and the sun is out.. These pictures were just "point and shoot" with no added filters or lenses.. perfectly imperfect shots...
This Cadillac shot is my most prized photo thus far...

Channeling James Dean..

Old Town Fresno..

...eye through a vintage lens...
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