Our boat the Malibu Skier...
We had to deflate the floaties and bring them back on the boat.. I was still sipping out of my party cup.. and someone was blowing bubbles.. kinda awesome..

Oh... and mini photo sesh in the middle of the Pacific.. of course..

I had to get my Apartment 3 fix on just so I could get my After School Special aka grilled cheese and tomato soup.. I probably mentioned this a few times in other blog posts.. but it really is amazing.. They have the coolest decor in there and we're always finding reasons to take pictures.. silly... pictures... don't judge...

I got to check out Morimoto's newest monthly party brunch!! They basically have a DJ, champagne, and Bloody Mary post.. Food, music, champagne.. I'm there...

Look familiar?? The Hawaii Five-0 Headquarters.. Or.. Actually.. the Post Office..
Made another infamous YouTube video... Courtesy of Pineapple Production Films.. that's me.. duh...
....beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder...
this looks like it was one hell of a trip! making me want to put one on the calendar for myself...looking forward to the next post!