Pictures you say?? Of course...
The first thing on our mind most of the time is food.. So we chose to eat at Urban Solace.. I'm secretly a southern girl at heart and L.O.V.E grits.. I spent some time in Texas, South Carolina, and Florida, so this girl knows good grits.. Urban Solace put a huge smile on my face when I opened up the brunch menu and staring at my face was the grainy goodness.. I die!! Did I mention I really heart their Ron Burgandy artwork?!

After filling our happy bellies we decided to "wander" the neighborhood, walking up and down University Street and 30th. Such cute boutiques of all kinds fill the street sidelines.. What do you think of this store window? Could YOU pull off leg warmers as a male?

A few random pics for your pupils...
We stumbled upon one of the greatest walls ever and it happened to be on the side of an Urban Outfitters.. Ironically enough, the outfit I had on for the day mostly consisted of Urban Outfitters.. isn't it always awkward walking into a store and you're wearing head to toe their label? I don't know why, but this is always awkward for me.. Anyways, I quickly got over it and continued to pose along their wall... NBD..
I brought along my Holga camera and snapped up the rest of the film I had in there from a previous shooting sesh... I fall more in love with the pictures it makes each time..

...explore every little crevice of the world one boutique and restaurant at a time... strike a pose to note the memory...
What a fun day! And HOT Holga pics...I'm exporing the Holga camera too :) It's a bit pricy to process the color film the way I like, but I finally tried some B/W film so we will see! Expensive hobby :P Every camera is different, so I love the way yours leak a little light! Super fun! And kudos to whoever took these pics of you!!