Love can come from everywhere.. from family, friends, pets... maybe you get your love from things that inspire you like music or fashion.. sometimes we stumble across the wrong kind of love or look past the bad and only focus on love. There's nothing wrong with seeing the good in people.. I like to think positive and give the benefit of the doubt but that can be seen as a weakness and can be taken advantage of. Its happened to me and I think we can grow from such lessons. We keep people in our lives we value whether that be for intellectual conversation, companionship, our besties we can rely on at any time to be there for us at our hardest moments, or those who rarely get the all encompassing unconditional love. I want to let everyone who I love to know I value you. I value our friendships, blood we share, memories we have already made and will make 60 years from now. YOU are the ones that will always be there.. always be respectful.. always glitter in my eyes. Keep being you...

*photo via
absolutely beautiful things.
...Believe in Love...
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