Mullets, side ponytails, jelly shoes, Walkmans, Color Me Badd, Shai, and All 4 One.. All things that made the 90's for lack of a better word, EPIC... One of the last segments we filmed for the season finale of
Hawaii HI-Lights was covering the Summer Sizzle 2010 concert held at the Neal S. Blaisdell center... Ummmmm, so that means I get to meet Shai? And All 4 One? AND Color Me Badd?? (Note: the interview with lead singer Bryan Abrams took place 4 days before he got arrested in Waikiki... Crazy!!) The 12 year old me who used to rock side ponytails with stretchy leggings with the lace at the bottom that reached mid-calf and the long ruffley t-shirts couldn't have been happier.. Little did I know that years down the road I'd actually get to meet these stars.. Garfield from Shai put it best when he said that they were the soundtrack to people's lives.. that quote made me smile.. so true... Bring me back to those 6th grade dances...
First to interview was Mr. Abrams of Color Me Badd (only 2 of the 4 boy band crew was able to make the concert)..

Next up was Shai! They were so fun to interview!! They even serenaded me acapella with "Baby I'm Yours"...

Backstage before the show got started..

All 4 One wasn't able to make the interview because they flew in the day of the show which happened to be the day after we filmed the interview portion... BUT I did get to meet them backstage and they were super nice.. Really just happy to be in Hawaii and performing for the crowd who sang along to all their songs!

Shai gave a pretty awesome performance I must say... so soulful!

Color Me Badd was the finale and performed with Hype 5-0 from America's Best Dance Crew!! After the show I had "I Wanna Sex You Up" stuck in my head for hours... Pret-ty sweet...

...the roots of 90's music has given us some of the greatest songs to reflect on our past...
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