Check out the goods (I forgot to include the Metallic Krylon gold spray paint I used).. I also had to buy a second bottle of textile medium:
Here is the before picture of the settee..
I followed the directions on Hypen Interiors except I skipped the latex satin paint and only used acrylic for all coats.. My first coat of paint.. The settee came with a roll pillow which I started on first to get an idea how the paint was going to go on the fabric.. After that first coat I was excited to get started on the settee...
This little settee took five coats of paint.. I didn't get it quite white but more of a gray with white because of the texture on it... I like that you can still see the pattern through the paint. Pretty sure I developed some form of carpal tunnel in my right arm from all the coats of paint...
After the last coat of paint dried I taped up the edges where I was going to spray paint the wood... Hot pink for a nice touch...
Right after spray painting it and carefully removing the duck tape...
The finished product!! I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.. At first I thought to myself, crap, did I just mess up a perfectly good piece of furniture? But after putting it with the rest of the dining table, it matches so much better! Pretty sure Coconut likes the new piece as well.. She matches too!!
How does painted furniture feel?? Well after five coats of paint it feels like a canvas you paint on. It's still comfortable to sit on, just not super soft.. I did use the sander to try and soften the fabric a little.. As I've read other bloggers post, it's like outdoor furniture feeling, but not really..
...taking something old and making it new and beautiful again...