I'm a product of the 80's and grew up watching Fraggle Rock, He-Man/She-Ra, My Little Pony, and Care Bears.. The other day I was shopping for Christmas presents for my little sister and I was looking for Princess dolls, i.e. Cinderella, Snow White. I was searching and searching for Sleeping Beauty because I already got her the main ones, so now I'm basically trying to complete her collection... Thing is, I could not find Sleeping Beauty.. I think they just flat out didn't have it.. Now there are all these new dolls like Tiana and I'm like ummm, I haven't seen those cartoons yet.. Am I out of the loop on Disney characters?! Have the old ones been replaced with these fancier HD quality princesses?! WHERE IS THE SLEEPING BEAUTY DOLL?! In the end I made a purchase on Belle from Beauty and the Beast, staying true to my Disney upbringing.. Not that I don't like these new characters, they're just not the ones I grew up with.. The 80's rocked with Saturday morning cartoons, side ponytails, and Glow Worms.. My little sister will continue to receive presents from me that represent part of my own childhood..
Here's to the old school boom boxes that filled our ears with Michael Jackson and Bananarama.. (Picture snapped in Pacific Beach.. I love that area even more now..)

...fashion may evolve constantly, our music change in taste, but memories live on forever..